Endowments — Resources

Bible Studies and Devotion

We are thrilled to provide three Bible studies and a devotion focusing on the endowments. Each resource is specific to the endowment they reference. LWML Texas District acknowledges Rev. Mike and Cheryl Mattil, Eloise Kuhlmann, Rev. Mark Moldenhauer and Haleh Kersten for authoring these resources. Thank you for being willing to provide these for our district. We are most grateful! 

Training Women Workers for the Lord’s Church — Scholarship Endowment Bible Study

Growing Discipleship and Leadership — Mission Inreach Endowment Bible Study

What’s Your Story? — Mission Goal Endowment Bible Study

Providing Hope to the Least of These — Mission Goal Endowment Devotion

Click on the highlighted title of the Bible study or devotion to view and print it. 

Endowment Fund Brochure

The brochure for the LWML Texas District Endowments is available for printing and distributing. It is designed to be a trifold brochure with the logo page on the outside front cover. You can print it two-sided, or print the inside, manually turn the paper and reinsert in the printer paper tray, then print the outside. Check your printer settings to print as a full page (100%).

Endowment Committee

Tiffany Harmon, Chairman
Diann Higgins
Mary Ann Samuelson
Rev. Dustin Beck

Contact Tiffany Harmon by email here for more information on how to support the endowments. 

This page was last updated October 18, 2024. For questions or comments on this site, email webmaster