On July 7–8, 1942, delegates from fifteen districts and five pastors appointed by the Synod gathered at St. Stephen Lutheran Church in Chicago, Illinois, and founded the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League. Eighty years later, LWML is still going strong and living out its mission to “joyfully proclaim Christ, support missions, and equip women to honor God by serving others.” So how does one celebrate eighty years of God’s blessings in the mission field? For the LMWL, the answer is simple – Do More! The What’s Your 80? project encouraged each member, group, zone, or district to reflect God’s love by blessing others with 80 of something. During this past year the LMWL groups across the Texas District have thrown anniversary parties and blessed others with lots of 80s. Happy Anniversary LWML!
Abilene — Our Savior Joyful Angels and Gleaners collected food and new clothing for Love and Care Ministries.
Abilene — Collection for Love and Care Ministries which serves the poor and homeless in Abilene, Merkel, and Clyde.
Coastal Bend Zone — Event attendees made 80 final exam care packages and cards for TAMUK students. Each LWML group brought at least 80 items.
Coastal Bend Zone — Allison Ulmer distributed the care packages to the TAMUK students, including members of the baseball team and music department.
San Antonio — Concordia Lutheran Women in Mission invited Melanie Rios from Any Baby Can to speak to their group and they collected over 80 items of diapers, wipes, formula, and toys.
Houston — Concordia Women's Club collected and packaged 80 hygiene kits for Orphan Grain Train.
Houston — Concordia Women's Club with hygiene kits for Orphan Grain Train.
Trinity Zone — Crown of Life LWML collected 80+ canned food and pantry items for Union Gospel Mission of Tarrant County.
Pearland — Epiphany DayLilies collected 80 boxes of cereal for the Epiphany Food Pantry.
Warda — The ladies of Holy Cross prepared and served a meal to all of their church members over 80 years old.
Amarillo — Prince of Peace collected 80 jars of peanut butter and jelly and 80 pairs of socks which were donated to the local Salvation Army.
Austin — Redeemer Women in Mission
Austin — Redeemer Women in Mission collected pinto beans, rice and macaroni and cheese for a local food bank.
Denton — St Paul women collected 188 pounds of food for First Refuge Ministries.
Spring — Resurrection LWML ladies donated 80 cans of baby formula to the local pregnancy assistance ministry.
Houston — Our Savior Cheerful Helpers Night Circle completed their Baby Bottle Boomerang project and filled 80 baby bottles with change to benefit Blue Blossom Pregnancy Centers.
Plano — Faith LWML collecting 80 set of sheets for Gracewood for Convention Gifts from the Heart Ingathering.
Stephenville — Faith LWML collected 80 items for Restoration Advocate.
Brenham — Grace ladies made 80 bibs for local nursing homes.
Brenham — Grace ladies made colorful butterflies for hand puppets to be decorated by the children at VBS this summer. They also collected items for hospice patients in Brenham.
Walburg — Zion LWML ladies collected 80 canned goods for the Jarrell food pantry.
Katy — Memorial LWML ladies collected socks and underwear for men and boys.
Centerville — Our Savior LWML supported Rock Bottom Ranch (pictured) with a gift of $80. Rock Bottom Ranch, Palestine, is a transitional recovery home for women coming out of incarceration who want to break free from addictive behaviors.
Anderson — Zion LWML women collected 80 items for the local food pantry.
Copperas Cove —Lydia’s Ladies of Immanuel (Sunshine Zone) blessed the Copperas Cove ISD Transportation Department, which includes bus drivers, aids, mechanics, and other staff, with 99 goodie bags in appreciation for the work they do in safely transporting children to and from school.
Houston — Family of Faith LWML (Golden Harvest Zone) purchased school supplies for two preschools in two geographical areas.
This page was last updated June 9, 2023. To submit a picture for this page, or for questions or comments, email webmaster .