Bayou City Zone

Tracie Hollis
Zone President
Tracie Hollis
Fishers of Men Lutheran Church, Sugar Land

Email the zone president HERE.


Next Rally — Save the Date: April 26, 2025. The rally will be hosted by Lady Fishers at Fishers of Men, Sugar Land.

Installation of Officers
Installation of Officers (left to right) Tracie Hollis, Heather Coulter, Pastor Ridely, Cookie Murray

Bayou City Zone held their Fall Rally on September 21, 2024, hosted by Pilgrim’s Women of Worth. The rally was very well attended; largest group we have had at a zone rally in quite a while. Pilgrim’s Pastor Duffy opened with a devotion. We had time for singing and our own “Humorous Interrupters.” We learned about Orphan Grain Train’s program and their service opportunities they have locally. We also held officer elections for President, Christian Life and Treasurer. Many ladies brought their food donations for Pilgrim’s ongoing efforts to support the Houston Food Bank. The offering collected was for the benefit of Orphan Grain Train. We closed with prayer including a blessing for our meal. Depending on who you ask, our rally finished early, or the catered lunch arrived late. Either way, there was more time for fellowship waiting on the food

Zone Officers

Tracie Hollis
Vice President
Linda Banes
Cookie Murray
Pam Jeske
Christian Life
Heather Coulter
Judy Dold
Young Woman Representative
Hannah Luna
Pastoral Counselor
Rev. Charles Ridley

City, Church, LWML Groups — Presidents

Houston, Christ Memorial, Women of Christ (supporting)
Houston, Holy Cross, Ladies Aid — Felecia Moore
Houston, Memorial, Lutheran Women in Mission — Janet Taylor
Houston, Pilgrim, Women of Worth — Lynn Eaton
Houston, Trinity, Ladies Circle — Trudy Mitchell
Sugar Land, Fishers of Men, Lady Fishers — Tracie Hollis

Cities/Congregations in the Bayou City Zone


Christ Memorial
Comunidad de Gracia
Eritrean Evangelical Lutheran Church
Evangelical Church of Jesus Christ
Holy Cross
Iglesia Cristiana Emanuel
Iglesia Cristiana El Buen Pastor
Living Water Community
Oikos Montrose
Third Ward Oikos (TWO Church)
Perfect Mission Gospel Center
St. Matthew
St. Peter
The Telugu Church of Houston (Our Redeemer)
Unveil Lutheran
Voice of Evangelism International Lutheran

Sugar Land:

Fishers of Men
Spirit of Life
Vietnamese Lutheran Church

This page was last updated October 29, 2024. For questions or comments on this site, email webmaster.