To contact us please click on the pictures below.

Sally Krueger
Vice President of Christian Life
Brianne Stahlecker
Vice President of Communication
Kelly Bernhardt
Vice President of Gospel Outreach
Patti Samsel
Vice President of Organizational Resources
Terri Wenzel
Recording Secretary
Mandy Halbert
Financial Secretary
Alissa Elley
Sandi Paniello
Sr. Pastoral Counselor
Rev. Dustin Beck
Jr. Pastoral Counselor
Rev. David Bailes
Debra Heckmann
Secretary to the President
Janet Hurta
Structure Committee Chairman
Debra Heckmann
Mission Service Committee Chairman
Mary Afsharirad
Committee on Young Women Chairman
Christine Spofford
Scholarship Endowment Fund Committee Chairman
Michelle Heckmann
Laura Fisher
Convention Coordinator
Michele Tate
Nominating Committee Chairman
Robyn Tarnowski
Endowment Committee Chairman
Tiffany Harmon
Heart to Heart Sisters District Leader
To be Determined
Young Woman Representative North
Amanda Nelson
Young Woman Representative South
Laura Fisher

Contact Your Leaders

To request a visit or presentation to your group or zone from a district officer or committee chairman, download the following form and submit to the District President: Request for District Representative Form.

About Us — Who do I contact for help?

If you wish to ... 

Contact the President, email Sally Krueger.

Obtain ideas for speakers, topics, programs, retreats and Bible studies; obtain information on the district retreat:
   email Brianne Stahlecker, Vice President of Christian Life

Submit information for the website, Facebook or the district newsletter The Lone Star Connection; sign up for emails and the newsletter; inquire about using a logo or this website:
   email Kelly Bernhardt, Vice President of Communication

Obtain information about current district LWML mission grants; submit proposals for district and/or national mission grants:
   email Patti Samsel, Vice President of Gospel Outreach

Report officer changes in group and zone (providing name, address, phone, email); become an individual member when unable to attend a local LWML group; receive information on starting a new group and determination of the zone for that group; receive general membership support information, especially in leadership training:
   email Terri Wenzel, Vice President of Organizational Resources

Remit Mite Box offerings, Quarterly payments, memorials, honorariums, endowment gifts, or ANY monies for the LWML Texas District:
   email Alissa Elley, Financial Secretary

Ask questions on the mite report; open a bank account; review financial records; get sales tax information; any other financial questions: 
   email Sandi Paniello, Treasurer

Request a copy of the minutes from a district meeting or convention; receive assistance in writing minutes:
   email Mandy Halbert, Recording Secretary

Obtain ideas for mission service projects; get information on Lutheran World Relief Ingathering, Orphan Grain Train, saving stamps Thrivent Action® teams; obtain ideas for servant events or Gifts from the Heart (ingatherings):
   email Mary Afsharirad, Mission Service Committee Chairman

Submit group or zone bylaws or bylaws amendments for approval; obtain a copy of the district bylaws; get help in writing bylaws: 
   email Debra Heckmann, Structure Committee Chairman 

Submit news items and/or photos of group and zone events for publication in the Lone Star Connection:
   email Kelly Bernhardt, Vice President of Communication

Order or change subscriptions to the Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly (regular and large print); report damaged materials in the mail for replacement or any problems with delivery of LWQ:
   email Alissa ElleyQuarterly Coordinator

Submit district or zone materials for the LWML Texas District archives; submit history of LWML zones (or an update); receive help on maintaining group archives or writing a history:
   email Laura Fisher, Archivist-Historian

Learn about the young woman program; submit an application for district or zone Young Woman Representative (YWR); invite a YWR for ideas on involving young women:
   email Christine Spofford, Committee on Young Women Chairman

Learn about involving teens in LWML; find out how to start an LWML Teen Program:
   email Terri Wenzel, Vice President of Organizational Resources

Request information on connecting with, supporting, and encouraging multicultural sisters of the LCMS; apply to be a Heart to Heart Sister; request a speaker on the H2H program:
   email, Heart to Heart Sisters District Leader

Receive an application for a scholarship (women of the Texas district studying to become full-time church workers at an LCMS university:
   email Michelle Heckmann, Scholarship Endowment Fund Committee Chairman

Request information regarding endowments of LWML Texas District; obtain information on planned giving; schedule a presentation on estate planning and charitable giving through Legacy Deo:
  email Tiffany Harmon, Endowment Committee Chairman

To find LWML materials such as The LWML Handbook, Resources for Planning Programs, Bible studies, skits, devotions, and crafts or visit the LWML Store, or subscribe to daily Mustard Seed Devotions, go to
Contact information for LWML:
   801 Seminary Place, Ste L010
   St. Louis, MO 63105

This page was updated on December 7, 2024. For questions or comments on this site email communication