LWML Texas District Endowments

What is an endowment, and how do our endowments work?

All LWML Texas District endowment funds are administered by Legacy Deo, formerly The Lutheran Foundation of Texas. According to Legacy Deo an endowment is “a legal instrument involving a donor and a charitable organization. It provides a dependable stream of income that supports the organization’s ongoing operations or a specific program-oriented goal.”  

All endowment gifts remain in the fund and are invested, thereby creating both a perpetual income stream and a perpetual gift. Each year a portion of each fund’s earnings from investments are distributed to LWML Texas District. The LWML Texas District then directs the disbursement to the purpose stated in the endowment agreement. Ten percent of the disbursement remains in the account, and further grows the principal.

What does this mean for LWML Texas District?

As each endowment’s principal increases, we receive more in annual distributions. These extra funds help us stay ahead of the rising costs of mission work, education, and leader training. They also help offset operating costs that are otherwise deducted from mite offerings. 

Endowment Fund descriptions

celebrate 25 years of mission in reach endowment

Happy Birthday Mission Inreach Endowment! (click HERE for article on the endowment)

How Can I Help?

Since 1942, the women of the LWML Texas District have worked tenaciously to preserve and enhance the mission work so crucial to sharing the love of Jesus with the world. Our three endowments are an act of sowing seeds to be reaped by future generations of mission minded women in our district.

As St. Paul writes, The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work (2 Corinthians 9:6–8).

Please remember the importance of supporting the endowments as you serve in your LWML groups and zones, in your personal giving commitments, and especially in your prayers for God’s blessings on mission efforts.

Gifts from donors (individuals or groups) can be made in many ways, including memorials, honorariums, and planned gifts. Planned gifts are those for which provision is made in wills and estate plans or by beneficiary designations made on insurance policies, IRAs, or other retirement and savings accounts.

Endowment Donations

Information on how to make an immediate or planned gift is located on the Gifting Options page here.  

Endowment Resources

Endowment resources can be found on the Resources page here. These include the endowment brochure and Bible studies and devotions for your personal use or group gatherings.

Endowment Logo 

The endowment logo explanation:

  • The cross and implied heart symbolize the act of giving that proceeds from our hearts as a response to what God has done for us in Christ  (2 Corinthians 9:6–8).
  • The words “Gifting Today to Bless Tomorrow” convey our desire to endow future generations to accomplish God’s mission.
  • The LWML Texas District logo is incorporated as a reminder of our common mission: “As Lutheran Women in Mission, we joyfully proclaim Christ, support missions, and equip women to honor God by serving others.”

The logo was created by Janet Hurta.

Endowment Committee

Tiffany Harmon, Chairman

Contact Tiffany by email here for more information on how to support the endowments. 

This page was last updated July 3, 2024. For questions or comments on this site, email webmaster