
Vice President of Organizational Resources
Terri Wenzel

Contact the Vice President of Organizational Resources by email. The Organizational Resources Department includes the Leader Development Committee, the Structure Committee, and the Committee on Young Women. 

Leader Development Committee

The purpose of the Leader Development Committee of the LWML Texas District is to encourage and equip women to:
• Be affirmed in their faith in the Triune God
• Grow spiritually
• Be confident in their role as a leader
• Reach their full potential in serving the Lord.

Terri Wenzel, Chairman

Membership Report Forms 

All LWML groups and individual members complete a membership form and update subscriptions to the Quarterly annually (due October 20 to their zone president). Keeping an accurate account of the district's membership is critical to planning programs, delegate representation at conventions, and determining an equitable travel fund assessment. To determine the status of your LWML group or individual members please see the Guidelines for Reporting Membership.

Group Membership Form 
Individual Membership Form
Zone Membership Form
Group President Letter from Zone President
Individual Member Letter from Zone President

For any question on membership contact the Vice President of Organizational Resources here. Please send any changes to officers, including name, address, phone number, and email.

For questions on subscriptions to the Quarterly, contact the Financial Secretary here

Information for New Groups or Individual Members

Procedure for membership as a group
Procedures for membership as an individual

LWML Resources

LWML Handbook

Program Resources such as the Equipping Saints to Serve 2023–2025 Planner 

Leadership Development contains many resources for all types of leaders.

Event Planning Resources

2024 Annual Report

Current District Stats (as of 12/31/23): 
Zones: 25
Groups: 194
Congregations served: 192
College campuses served: 0
Members in groups: 2438
Individual members: 15
Total membership: 2453
Teen groups: 3

This page was last updated July 6, 2024. For questions or comments on this site, email webmaster.