Mite Goal

as of Today...


Mission Grants

as of Today...


Mission Grants for the 2024–2026 Biennium

Each mission grant button links to more information on the mission grant, a prayer, and pictures. Explore by clicking on the mission grant, then share the information with your local LWML and congregation.

Mission grant goal for 2024–2026 is $225,000 (additional mission abundance of $47,314 from 2020–2024 to apply to mission grant payments).

2024–2026 Mission Grants Bookmark (print at 100%, double sided with flip on the long edge)

To view the 2024–2026 Mission Grants video, click here.

To view and print the current mite report and mission grants paid click here

Mission Grant Spotlight — As mission grants are highlighted in District News (found in the Texas Messenger section of The Lutheran Witness) a copy will be added to that mission grant's page (buttons above). Please print the articles to share with your zone, local LWML group, and church members.

2024–2026 Mission Grants Descriptions and Prayers

Mite Box Sunday Presentations — Share with your church to highlight individual Mission Grants.

Scholarships for Seminarians
New Life Children's Center Spiritual Care Program
Disaster Response Team —Trinity Lutheran Church, Tyler 
Orphan Grain Train Shipping Supplies — Houston
Proclaiming Christ to People Who are Blind or Visually Impaired — LBW
Let it Shine Academy — Bethany, Austin


Contact Vice President of Gospel Outreach Patti Samsel by email.

This page was last updated January 28, 2025. For questions or comments on this site please email webmaster