The 2024–2026 is April 1, 2024–March 31, 2026.
2024–2026 Mite Goal* |
$403,000.00 |
Mites Received |
$51,724.45 |
Total Mites Still Needed |
$351,275.55 |
*Includes $80,600 (25% of all mites received designated for the LWML mite goal).
Mission Grants Goal |
$225,000 |
2022–2024 District Abundance |
$47,314 |
Total |
$272,314 |
Mission Grants Paid |
$23,657 |
Mission Grants Balance |
$248,657 |
Mission grants goal for 2024–2026 is $225,000 (additional district abundance of $47,314 from the 2022–2024 biennium to apply to mission grant payments).
Mission Grants |
Amount |
Disbursed |
Balance |
Seminarian Scholarships for Texas Students |
$60,000 |
$0 |
$60,000 |
New Life Children’s Center Spiritual Care Program, Canyon Lake |
$20,000 |
$0 |
$20,000 |
Disaster Response Team, Trinity Lutheran Church, Tyler |
$15,000 |
$5,000 |
$10,000 |
Orphan Grain Train Shipping Supplies, Houston |
$15,000 |
$0 |
$15,000 |
Proclaiming Christ to People Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired (LBW) |
$20,000 |
$0 |
$20,000 |
Let It Shine Academy, Bethany, Austin, Lutheran Special Education Ministries |
$10,000 |
$0 |
$10,000 |
Adventure Woods Day Camp Outreach, Camp Lone Star, Tomball |
$20,000 |
$0 |
$20,000 |
Shepherd’s Canyon Retreat Ministry Scholarships |
$15,000 |
$0 |
$15,000 |
Hereford Hispanic Outreach Program, Hereford |
$25,000 |
$10,000 |
$15,000 |
Offering Women Hope: Blue Blossom Pregnancy Centers and Maternal Assistance Program, Houston |
$8,000 |
$0 |
$8,000 |
Disciple and Mobilize Youth for Gospel Outreach, Glocal Mission, Houston |
$12,000 |
$0 |
$12,000 |
Little Lambs Parents’ Day Out Ministry Playground Equipment, Sulphur Springs |
$10,000 |
$0 |
$10,000 |
Christian Education Scholarships K–12, Central Texas |
$25,000 |
$0 |
$25,000 |
Ysleta Lutheran Mission Human Care Warehouse Repairs, El Paso (partial funding) |
$17,314 |
$8,657 |
$8,657 |
TotalMission grants goal for 2024–2026 is $225,000 (additional district abundance of $47,314 from the 2022–2024 biennium to apply to mission grant payments). |
Download the printable 2024–2026 mission grants paid chart (fill in amounts as the mission grants are funded) to share with your zone, group, and church.
For more information on the mission grants click HERE.
Have questions on the mite report? Contact Treasurer Sandra Paniello here. The treasurer is responsible for all monies disbursed.
This page was last updated August 8, 2024. For questions or comments on this site email webmaster.