Mission Service

Mission Service Activities from LWML

Click on Paint the Planet Purple (above) for the Mission Service Activity of the Month and other mission service ideas from LWML.

Mission Service Committee 

Mary Afsharirad, Chairman
Amanda Mahrt

Orphan Grain Train

Orphan Grain Train is a 501c3 Nonprofit Christian volunteer network that shares personal and material resources with needy people in America and around the world. Grain Train volunteers gather donations of clothing, medical supplies, food, Christian literature, and other aid to meet real needs. The Orphan Grain Train movement is a loving response to Jesus Christ’s example as a servant and His love for us. For more information visit their website, ogt.org. For information on how to donate go to www.ogt.org/donate. For a printable wish list of items to donate click HERE.

Orphan Grain Train has a weekly news headliner at ogt.org/publications available for subscribers. There is a quarterly newsletter for subscription and view on the same page. 

Orphan Grain Train Donation Sites


OGT Highland Lakes of Texas
Genesis Lutheran Church

Houston Branch
OGT Container at
Zion Lutheran Church


15946 E. Highway 29
Buchanan Dam, Texas 78609

5040 E. Sam Houston Pkwy S
Pasadena, Texas 77505


Byron Hobbs


Mike Rathje



Tuesday morning
9 a.m.–noon
(year round)

Saturday morning
8 a.m.–noon
(year round)


Sort and pack donations
Call for volunteer opportunities

Sort and pack donations
Call for volunteer opportunities

Any questions regarding the LWR ingathering or Orphan Grain Train can be directed to Mary Afsharirad by email.

This page was last updated November 12, 2024. For questions or comments on this site email webmaster.