
Postcard for sign up

Vice President of Communication
Kelly Bernhardt

To contact the Vice President of Communication for website questions and updates, Facebook, newsletter, District News, or any communication question email Kelly Bernhardt.

Guidelines for submitting group and zone news for the website, newsletter, or social media:

  • Send to the VP of Communication (see above).
  • Articles have a limit of 175 words.
  • Follow the LWML Style Guide for all articles (see below).
  • All articles must be doctrinally reviewed (DR’d) before submission. When an article is submitted, state in the email who DR’d the article. If the article does not require DR, state none. If you have any scripture references or refer to people in the Bible, then the article must be DR'd.
  • Photos submitted need to be at least 300 dpi. Email the actual size of the photo. Do not crop the photo before sending it.
  • Include the names of those in the picture and where it was taken. For example: (name) Zone Rally at (name of location). Pictured (l) to (r) are. If pictures of newly elected officers, state (l) to (r) name and office.
  • NO pictures of minors will be published without written permission from a parent or guardian. A copy of the permission form must be included.

Brochure for LWML Texas District

Brochures produced for each biennium include the district's primary focus statement and current mission grants. Information on the local LWML group may be added to the fillable box before printing front and back. Note: check to be sure you are printing full size, at 100%, double-sided with flip on the short edge.

2024–2026 Brochure

The Lone Star Connection

The Lone Star Connection is the LWML Texas District bi-monthly newsletter. By subscribing to our email list, you will receive pertinent news periodically from the district, including updates on conventions, retreats, mission grants, newsletters, and much more. Zones and groups are invited to submit articles and/or pictures for publication. 

Click here to subscribe to the mailing list.

Find The Lone Star Connection newsletter HERE.

District News — The Lutheran Witness

District News is published monthly in the Texas Messenger section of The Lutheran Witness

The district uses your mite donations to pay for the District News pages. It is suggested that each group contribute $1 per member annually to cover this cost.

District News is primarily used for mission grant updates and information on the various programs of the district. Group and zone news can be submitted for the newsletter and social media pages.

Find issues of District News HERE.

Style Sheet & Logo Use

Please email the Vice President of Communication to obtain permission and files for logo use.  This includes the district logo, convention logo, or other pieces of art developed for the LWML Texas District.

For LWML logo use, brand guidelines and style guide click here. LWML Style Guide (2021 version)

Social Media

Follow us on Facebook @LWMLTexas


The comments and opinions expressed herein on this website do not necessarily reflect the beliefs and point of view of the Lutheran Women's Missionary League or The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. Statements are made exclusively by the author(s) and appear as written and have not been subjected to the Lutheran Women's Missionary League or The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod doctrinal review process.

Communication Department

Kelly Bernhardt, Chairman
Barbara Mauldin, District News Editor 
Amy Velasquez, Webmaster
Amy Heard, The Lone Star Connection Editor
Kelly Bernhardt, Social Media Coordinator
Erika Dorsey and Cristina Rasch, Graphic Artists

This page was last updated November 1, 2024. For questions or comments on this site email webmaster.