LWML Texas District Conventions

    LWML Texas District 44th Biennial Convention
    June 11–13, 2026
    Austin, Texas
    Hilton Doubletree Hotel

    Hold Fast Logo

    LWML Texas District 43rd Biennial Convention
    June 13–15, 2024
    Omni Corpus Christi Hotel

    Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works (Hebrews 10:23–24).

    Convention Goal
    Hold fast in Christ, our source of hope, living out our faith without wavering.
    Convention Objective
    Attendees will:

    • Be strengthened in faith through worship and fellowship.
    • Honor God by showing love to one another.
    • Witness boldly, anchored in Christ.

    Did you miss the convention? The recordings are available on our YouTube channel. 

    The Opening Worship Service and the convention sessions were live-streamed on our YouTube channel. You can access it HERE. The following documents from the convention manual can be printed for your use.

    Convention Program
    Opening Worship Service (Thursday) This file is a Word document and will need to be downloaded to view or print. 
    Bible Study 1 (Friday)
    Bible Study 2 (Saturday)

    Convention Newsletters

    The Anchor News #1 
    The Anchor News #2 (includes attendance, Gifts from the Heart totals, results of elections, and more). 

    Convention Offerings, Mission Service, and Gifts from the Heart

    Offering #1 — LWML Texas District 2024–2026 Mite Goal — $6,065.30 
    Offering # 2 — Kleberg County Pregnancy Center — $3,005.18
    Offering #3 — St. Paul Lutheran Early Learning Center, McAllen, and Lord of Life Lutheran Child Development Center, Flour Bluff (divided equally between the 2 agencies) — $3,117.08

    Detailed descriptions can be found HERE.

    Moving for Mites — $2,412

    26 Ladies participated in Off-Site Mission Events

    On-Site Mission Events
    77 Spanish Bibles marked for Coastal Bend Detention Center, Robstown
    3 fleece blankets for children at Ronald McDonald House, Corpus Christi
    11 fleece blankets for children at New Life Refuge Ministries, Corpus Christi
    145 breast pillows for Christus Spohn Cancer Center, Corpus Christi
    90 lap quilts completed for Fisher House, San Antonio
    87 cards of appreciation for military emergency responders

    Gifts from the Heart
    159 sheet sets and 171 towel sets for Upbring Children’s Centers
    208 bottles of shampoo, 228 bottles of body wash, 263 toothpaste, 27 toothbrushes, and 50 combs for Rainbow Rooms
    Gift cards for the Pregnancy Center of the Coastal Bend $2595
    Gift cards for New Life Refuge Ministries $2593.69
    (gift card total was different than given in newsletter #2 after the recount)

    car with breast cancer pillows and 2 volunteers
    Delivering breast pillows to Christus Spohn Cancer Center in Corpus Christi

    Total Attendance: 465

    Voting delegates: 171
    Non-voting attendees: 294
    (corrected from the convention newsletter)

    This page was last updated September 25, 2024. For questions or comments on this site, email webmaster