Capitol Zone

Betsy Martino
Zone President
Betsy Martino
Hope Lutheran Church, Austin

Email the zone president HERE.


Prayer Service — August 3, 2024, 9 am, Redeemer, Austin

Fall Rally — October 6, 2024, Zion, Walburg

Host — Zion, Walburg 6101 FM 1105, Georgetown, TX
Opening Devotions — Faith, Georgetown
Closing Devotions — Christ Our Savior, Lago Vista
Speaker Pastor Craig Dubois from Grace Lutheran in San Marcos
Lunch served at 1 pm; Program starts at 2 pm
More information to come!


The latest Capitol Zone Capsule can be viewed here.
The newsletter has information on sister groups and so much more.

Zone Young Woman Representative

Sara Johnson
My name is Sarah Johnson. I am the oldest of five siblings from a military family. Growing up I lived in four states as well as overseas in Germany. We eventually settled in Georgetown, where I work as a first-grade teacher at a classical charter school. I have been a member at St. Paul Lutheran Church, Austin, for the past three years. I volunteer there at the quarterly church workdays, ring in the hand-bell choir, and sing in the Christmas family choir. I am a member of the LWML Dorcas group in my home church and look forward to serving as a zone YWR!

Zone Officers

Betsy Martino
Vice President of Christian Life and Gospel Outreach
Giovanne Turincio
Vice President of Human Care & Organizational Resources
Sherry Pettit
Vice President of Communication 
Patricia Willoughby
Sylvia Kokel
Courtney Baxter
Young Woman Representative
Sarah Johnson
Maddie Riquelmy
Zone Pastoral Counselor
Rev. Eric Borchers
Nominating Committee
Mary Dobrasko, Chairman
Connie Windorpski
Sheryl Hunt

several women pictured serving as officers
Front row, Connie Windorpski, Mary Dobrasko, Sherri Pettit, Giovanne Turincio, Sheryl Hunt, Courtney Baxter; Pastor Borchers and Susan Schmidt (in background)

Zone Bylaws and Standing Rules

Find the latest bylaw revisions by clicking here.
Find the latest standing rules by clicking here.

City, Church, LWML Groups — Presidents

Austin, Bethany, Bethany Women in Mission — Beverley Michalk
Austin, Concordia University, Helping Hands (not currently meeting)
Austin, Hope, Hope LWML — Betsy Martino
Austin, Our Savior, Women's Guild — Joyce Martinets
Austin, Redeemer, Dorcas LWML — Connie Windorpski
Austin, Redeemer, Redeemer LWML Women in Mission — Ann Turner
Austin, St Paul, St. Paul LWML — Deborah Livingston
Austin, St. Paul, Dorcas LWML — Doris Riewe
Buchanan Dam, Genesis, Genesis LWML (supporting)
Cedar Park, Good Shepherd, Hands of Faith — Heidi Bentivegna
Cedar Park, Good Shepherd, Lutheran Women in Mission—LWML — Nancy Butt
Georgetown, Faith, Helping Hands — Susan Schmidt
Georgetown, Faith, Joy Mission Circle — Joyce Best
Lago Vista, Christ Our Savior, Christ Our Savior LWML — Mary Dobrasko
Liberty Hill, Mission Liberty Hill, Joy LWML — Laurie Bellard
Marble Falls, Hope, Hope LWML — Barbara Moen
Pflugerville, Point of Grace, Faith Circle
Round Rock, King of Kings, Women in Mission — Dot Moerbe
San Marcos, Grace, Grace LWML — Courtney Baxter 
Taylor, Trinity, LWML (Women in Mission) — Marilyn Safarik
Thorndale, St. Paul, St. Paul LWML — Darlene Waiser
Walburg, Zion, Faith Circle — Sarah Jones
Walburg, Zion, LWML Evening Circle — Joy Cowan

Cities/Congregations in the Capitol Zone

ACTS Church Lakeline
Beautiful Savior
Jesus Lutheran Church of the Deaf
Mt. Olive
New Vision International
Our Savior
Redeeming Grace
St. Paul
Buchanan Dam/Genesis
Cedar Park/Good Shepherd
Narrative Church
ACTS Church
St. John (Uhland)
Lago Vista/Christ Our Savior
Lakeway/ACTS Church
Leander/ACTS Church
Liberty Hill/Mission Liberty Hill
Marble Falls/Hope
Pflugerville/Point of Grace
Round Rock:
King of Kings
San Marcos/Grace
Thorndale/St. Paul

This page was last updated August 6, 2024. For questions or comments on this site, email webmaster.